Category: clients

  • Being A Graphic Designer and Web Designer in Seattle

    Being A Graphic Designer and Web Designer in Seattle

    When you hear about a web designer also claiming to be a graphic designer, you my question whether they are spreading themselves out too thin, or you may want someone who specializes in graphic design. For business identities, often you are going to need a web designer and a graphic designer. If you are a…

  • I’m A Logo Designer Too—A Portfolio of Logo Designs

    I’m A Logo Designer Too—A Portfolio of Logo Designs

    Being a logo designer has two main challenges. The first is expressing a company’s essence in one simplistic graphic, the other is getting people to see the value and importance of a quality logo created by a professional graphic designer. The process of doing a logo takes several hours, because much more is involved than…

  • Testimonials


    “Working with Stephen is a pleasure and a great learning experience. He is warm and compassionate, has an amazing memory for detail (at least partly because he is such a good listener), and is truly interested in creating an aesthetically pleasing, highly functional website that reflects the character of the business it represents. Stephen is…

  • 2015 Clients

    2015 Clients

    I want to thank all of my 20 plus, 2015 clients help make Schildbach Design have it’s best year to date. My repeat clients and new clients cover a dynamic range of professions (therapists, scientists, orthodontists, musicians, yoga teachers, etc…). Work that spans web maintenance to business identities. This year’s client list: Bird Ally X…