Russian Hackers

Secure Your WordPress Website with SSL

In 2017 hacking is on the rise, and most browsers are requiring website owners to add an SSL certificate to their site if the site has a database. This includes all CMSs, which includes WordPress sites. You may have noticed that if your site is still “http” you either see an insecure lock icon or text that reads, “Not Secure” in the upper left hand corner of your browser. This is obviously bad for a number of reasons in addition to your site not being secure. Your web visitors are going to not trust being on your site and now Google and other search engines may even dock your SEO.

Schildbach Design offers a service where we will secure your site with an SSL certificate for $50 if it is a WordPress site, and $100 for any other CMS. With some research, you could also do this procedure yourself. If you have purchased a website maintenance package with Schildbach Design, I can apply the time it takes to do this procedure to the package. So, if you are seeing those security warning messages or icons, it’s time to switch to “https”. Contact me for more information.



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