Email Marketing

For those who need to remind their clients that they are active in their field, I recommend email marketing. Email marketing is also great for organizing and communicating with potential clients. I understand that email marketing for the receiver, can be annoying, but email marketing software companies make it easy to unsubscribe with two clicks at most. Before sending to anyone, be mindful of the policy most email marketing companies have that you are only sending to people who have subscribed to your email list. At very least only send to people who you sincerely believe would benefit from the service you offer. These policies are there to prevent spam.

Mailchimp would be my recommended email marketing software. My second recommendation is Constant Contact. If you are wanting a more serious presence, Contant Contact has branding that fits that mature presence, and this may be inportant to you if any of the branding of the email marketing software appears along side yours. But, if you don’t mind the playful and sometimes goofy Mailchimp branding, this company gives away so much of their services for free that almost all of my clients needs fit within the free tier of services.

Mailchimp used to offer an unbelievable free service. Accounts on a Free plan that were created before August 29, 2022 include up to 2,000 contacts and 10,000 sends per month, with a daily send limit of 2,000! I have this account. But, my guess is that too many accounts fell within that amount causing Mailchimp to work too much for free. So, recently they cut back. The Free plan now includes up to 500 contacts and 2,500 sends per month, with a daily send limit of 500.

My account was grandfathered in to allow for 3 different contact (audience) lists. They got rid of that a while ago, and now only allow for 1 list. But, if you want to send different mini-lists out due to different subjects or kinds of clients, you can cut up your list with the use of tags. For example, if you are a house painter and provide kitchen renovations, you can tag your contact list with two tags, painting and renovations.

People often come to me for a website. But, some fields, your website has little return on investment (ROI). Some businesses just need to remind people they are out there working. A good example is a carpenter who does renovations. Time and again I have been told by clients in building that their website doesn’t get them new work, it is just confirmation that they are active. But, websites are a passive form of marketing. Email marketing is active and goes one step further by going to client or potential client to relatively unobtrusively remind them you still there for them.


