About Schildbach Design & Seattle WordPress Web Designer Stephen Schildbach
Formed in 2008, Schildbach Design is a business identity design sole proprietorship owned and operated by Stephen Schildbach. Although not exactly the same, another term for this service is branding. Within this umbrella term, Schildbach Design does WordPress web design primarily. Other services include marketing, consulting, and graphic design.
Schildbach Design primarily works with small businesses, non-profits, creatives and entrepreneurs. Some clients come to me for an entire business identity where I provide a logo, website, and marketing materials. Other clients come to me for design services like graphic design for a menu, or portfolio website.
We value high quality design, tasteful marketing and personal interaction with my clients. Due to COVID and moving out of Seattle, WA in August, 2022, in person meetings are rare, but we do our best to keep in consistent communication over video chat, phone, and email. We believe that good design elevates a business’ identity, and that including a marketing strategy with good design is essential for the success of a business.
Schildbach Design is operated in Vashon, WA. We work with clients mostly in Seattle, but also have clients throughout the U.S. We are a short ferry ride to Tacoma, WA and West Seattle, WA.

About Stephen Schildbach
For the first 20 years of my adult life, being an artist was a large part of my identity. I focused on learning, creativity, exploring nature, traveling, and developing friendships. I went to collage in Canton, NY, grad school in Savannah, GA, and lived in New York City before moving and settling in Seattle, WA.
In 2004, I met my wife, Monica Schley. We now have two children. After living in Seattle for more than half of my life, the four of us moved to Vashon, WA in 2022, where we are all learning about rural and island living. The closest city near us is Tacoma, WA.